Highest Rated Comments

WonkaKnowsBest106 karma

I guess what I'm asking is, people have said that it kills massive amounts of brain cells or can cause you to develop schizophrenia, or cause you to be "burnt out". Is any of that true or possible? Or anything related.

WonkaKnowsBest40 karma

why is this taboo?

WonkaKnowsBest28 karma

I’m not sure if this is the correct AMA to ask this question on, but I figured it’d be the best time to ask. Do psilocybin and/or MDMA pose any negative health risks when used?

WonkaKnowsBest6 karma

Just droppin' in to say sup. Keep on rockin'!

WonkaKnowsBest1 karma

Hey tony, finished p90x about a year ago and got some great results. I wanted to build a bit of lean muscle but wanted to get mainly bulk muscle. Any tips besides lower reps higher weight? Is there a special program to get the results of the 6 pack but also the guns of a lifter?