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WoodyHarrlesonsAgent48 karma

"How to build a pole barn" changed my life.

I look back at all those years I wasted trying to make barns out of cardboard as a misadventure....though it taught me a lot about myself...like that I really should've seen that Psychiatrist sooner.

WoodyHarrlesonsAgent37 karma

What about sex?

Who's having it?

WoodyHarrlesonsAgent2 karma

This movie has been both my favorite and most hated movie in my short 34 years on this planet.

I watched it a dozen times on VHS when I was younger....Friggin loved it. Watched it when I was an adult and I could barely sit through it...even tho it's clearly more for adults than kids.

Not an insult! You made something great that inspires strong emotion and I admire the hell out of that.

I'm going to give it a re-watch tonight on Netflix (now that I'm an old dude with 4 kids) and see what I think.

Thanks for coming to Reddit to talk to us. I know having a bunch of anon people say snarky stuff about your work can't be easy--- So a big thanks from all of us.

WoodyHarrlesonsAgent2 karma

Child of the 80s here.

Richard Alpert is a guy I saw a lot of during my research into the 60s and advent of LSD. I found him so articulate and compelling that I tried it myself and enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm not sure my mind expanded, but to be fair I was in Vegas and in a party mood- not a reflective place.

I've followed Richard Alpert (ramm daas) now via YouTube.

He's the same age as my father, and yet Richard seems so scattered and unable to articulate like he did. Obviously he's twice as old as he was then, and yet he still seems unnaturally aged.

Is it possible to avoid the "Burnout" side effect when experimenting with LSD?

Edit-- he had a stroke a few years ago. Thanks for correcting me Hepto

WoodyHarrlesonsAgent1 karma

Is it possible that this company's involvement with massively funded secret projects gave them the idea they were above the law?