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Wordsworth_Little181 karma

Many years ago, I worked for a multi-level marketing company that offered self-help educational programs that are not that dissimilar from NXIUM. One of the elements of the NXIUM programs that is not coming across clearly in The Vow or Seduced is the vast sums of money its members were spending to continue with the programming. In the recent episode of Seduced, India discusses trying to reach the level where you begin making money by signing up new students, but it seems she never quite gets there. Why do you think that is, given that you had essentially devoted all of your time/resources to NXIUM? Were there certain factors or conditions required for a member to get to the financial-renumeration tier that are not being discussed in The Vow or Seduced?

Wordsworth_Little2 karma

India: In ten years from now, this will be in your rearview mirror, and yet, you will likely still be on the path to recovery. Where do you see yourself in ten years? What do you think future India would say to present India?

Wordsworth_Little2 karma

I wish you the best on your path! You've got this!