Highest Rated Comments

X_Central9 karma

How does the modular construction of capital ships work? Are they weled wall by wall together like stations and need time to build? and has the player influence on the appearance, or just wehre Turrets are placed? Do shipyards still have infinite Ships in stock?

X_Central6 karma

Is the "pathing" used by the a.i. during combat as well, or just during "navigation"?

X_Central5 karma

what are possible actions, if you want to be a pirate?

X_Central5 karma

in the X News 49 you wrote: In X Rebirth there is a big difference between being in scanner range for a quick ID and being REALLY scanned deeply. There are several levels of scanning. Your true identification for example is something that requires a deeper scan. If you attack a station or shoot down a small transport vessel near a station, the law enforcement of that station may immediately start to hunt you, but they do not know exactly who you are (YET). Hiding in the right place, for long enough can help you not being punished for your evil deeds ;)

are we gonna see this feature in v1.0?

and thank you very very much for your answers and your effort so far.

X_Central3 karma

Wie funktioniert das Erkunden neuer Gebiete? sind die schon da, oder wächst das Universum dynamisch? Irgendwann sind ja alle Asteroiden abgebaut, oder spawnen die irgendwo neu?