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Xerodo8 karma

A few years ago I got to "It's Such a Beautiful Day" when it first came out. It was great. You were great too and the QA and you did was really low key and fun.

As a professional art-person what kind of advice do you have for someone currently trying to become a professional art person? I graduated in June and I've had a hard time trying to juggle making art and doing more productive things like making sure I can pay for food and stuff.

Was there a time where you had to deal with that? How did you get through it? I have so much stuff I'd like to get to and I hate coming home and just not feeling up to it.

Xerodo2 karma

I live in Oregon, I've begun to notice that we are getting "resident" Hummingbirds that will winter here. It rarely snows (maybe 2-3 times a year) and almost never dips below freezing, but it doesn't seem like there's much of a food source since there's nothing to eat aside from the feeders we put out.

Should I be taking down my feeders in the Winter time to discourage them from sticking around? I'm unsure if providing them with a regular food source into the Winter like that is making them stick around when they should have moved on.

Xerodo1 karma

Senator Wyden, I'm graduating from the University of Oregon a month from now. I just wanted to say that I like living in a state where it feels like I actually have a politician that tries to make the country a better place. I can't really think of very many other congressmen that are making a positive impact.

Also, seeing as I'm graduating in a month, got any job openings in Oregon that need filling?

I'd love to feel like I'm making a difference on a personal level, and a free internet is one of the issues I'm most dedicated to fighting for.

Xerodo1 karma

I've messed around with creative pursuits for years, and I really admire the fact that you still own the character you created. Has this been a difficult process at all? Have you been tempted by any offers to buy you out? What was the thought process behind that like?

I'd like to imagine that I'd have the fortitude to keep creative control, but I think a big check would be pretty damn tempting.

Xerodo1 karma

It sounds like you've done quite a bit of non-fiction writing. Do you have any advice for approaching that as an outsider?

Technical writing and non-fiction is something I'd be very interested in pursuing, so I'm wondering how you end up in positions to write fact-based articles like the ones you mentioned. I've written a lot of how-to guide style content across the web and gotten paid for it, but nothing substantial.