Highest Rated Comments

XxFucK_YoUxX25 karma

Thanks for doing this, I have always found law enforcement and prison quite interesting so I have a few questions!

  1. The media makes prison seem much worse then I think it is, I have always thought everyone keeps to themselves and thats it. Am I correct?

  2. Are there many bad CO's? eg. bringing drugs into prison, making prison worse for some prisoner's.

  3. Is there any sort of political system either between prisoners or between prisoners and gaurds.

  4. Do you feel prison was good for you? Why or why not?

Thanks again for doing this!

XxFucK_YoUxX2 karma

I would talk to a lawyer about a possible case of wrongful dismissal

XxFucK_YoUxX2 karma

You spent two years in solitary? That is fucking ridiculous! Was it a complete two years or was it some how broken up. If it was straight almost 2 years with no breaks, did you get to leave for anything If so what? How did meals work? What was a typical day? How did you fill your time? Thanks for doing this you have a crazy and incredibly interesting life story.

XxFucK_YoUxX1 karma

He did the crime but he got put in lower security prisons? All you did was intimitate someone, he stapped someone... Was it because you beat up the rapist that you were in a higher security prison?

XxFucK_YoUxX1 karma

You didn't kill your father did you?