Highest Rated Comments

Xyli3 karma

I'd like to stay with a canister if I can. How about the comparison between the C3s? Such as the cheaper Limited Edition or Calima VS. the Kona or Marin? I don't mind spending more if it's worth the investment, but I also don't want to spend more than necessary, if that makes sense. I'm not too worried about the price tag.

Xyli3 karma

Are the differences in the STB205, SEB228, and SEB236 brushes night and day? I'm essentially seeing a $250-300 jump between the brushes in the models.

Also I may be dense, but I'm not seeing which model is referred to as the Home Care. Is that a code name for one of the ones I asked about?

Xyli3 karma

Hi friend, I'm looking for a recommendation for something that will get me by and I'm hoping you can help me. I want to stay around the $600-800 range if I can. I have a 2,500 sqft home with mostly carpet(everything sans the kitchen and entry way), 300 sqft or less is hardwood. No pets, and all the carpet is "mediumish?" pile. Finding a good vaccuum repair/refurb place here is probably out of the question since I live in the midwest. So far I've been looking going towards Miele Compact C2 Topaz.

Would this model suffice, or is there a cheaper/more expensive option I should look at? I want quality and durability, but I also don't want to spend more than I need to. Please help a brother out.

Xyli2 karma

Okay thanks, looks like I just need to bite the bullet and buy the C3 Marin. Thanks for your help!

Xyli2 karma

What is the best cure for restoring flattened carpet? I just moved into a new house and all of the major walkways the carpeting is completely flattened. It looks terrible and I want to either restore it or replace the carpet/add hardwoods. And by flattened, I mean these things are very run down. The people must have worn shoes in the house and not have cleaned it very often. For reference it is your very standard medium pile carpet. Is it as simple as renting a professional steamer? Or is there some other sort of secret remedy?