Highest Rated Comments

Xzachtheman6 karma

You act in scripted stuff, do stand up, and have taught improv- so what is your favorite form of comedy? what is similar about all these forms? what is different?

Xzachtheman6 karma

Follow up- You have stated you like calling it TCGS because it sort of just makes you a part in this show. Why not change the name completely, to, I don't know, Vacation Jason and Friends show? Seems like that name has a real star quality to it.

Xzachtheman5 karma

Howard, why didn't you cosplay as the escapee at comic-con?

Xzachtheman5 karma

When are you going to write a book that documents your life? it seems like you have really LIVED, and have a ton of great stories.

Xzachtheman3 karma

challenge accepted.