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Yamaben29 karma

both sides were scared we were just doing a job it wasn't personal. we were doing reconnaissance into town and I came face to face with a german soldier. We both had a visual agreement to not shoot 1 another and put our heads down and walked away from each other.

Yamaben13 karma

young people today are jokers. young people today don't seem to know how to do things like we knew how to do when I was young. Young people today don't seem to grasp the concept of working for a living.

Yamaben13 karma

I feel like the joke was on us

Yamaben9 karma

he was a great show man and had to be first

Yamaben7 karma

When I was 19 I live in the country and didn't get much news about what was going on in europe I really didn't know what was happening over there.

I was doing roofing jobs and the fumes from the pitch was burning my nose and skin. The roofing work got so bad that I decided to quit that work. the foreman on the job told me I would get drafted if I quit and I told him I would rather get shot at then do that work anymore. 3 days later I was drafted.