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YogiBarelyThere265 karma

Somebody is crying at a slot machine. You approach them and they say "I lost spent my last $100 dollars and now I can't afford groceries or rent."

What do you do?

YogiBarelyThere16 karma

"PISS!" he sibilanted as his fingers dug into the soft pink velour of the custom made Napoleon Chair, a pool of sweat forming at the intersection of its towelly surface and his taint.

"Piss into my mouth!"

YogiBarelyThere11 karma

I don’t believe it’s kind or compassion to pile on when the previous poster’s response was adequately critical and illustrative of professional competence. Just putting it out there that I’d identify you as mean if we were discussing in person.

YogiBarelyThere11 karma

Greetings and thanks for doing this AMA.

This question is directed towards Dr. Diana Bizecki-Robson but ther others could chime in too if you'd like.

I'm interested in the types of plants that hold medicinal value for the First nations people of the prairies. Has there been any use of psychoactive compounds within those plants? Which plants have had a demonstrated medicinal efficacy through modern scientific research?


YogiBarelyThere10 karma

I noticed you charge $5 for your album. Is this following the entrepreneurial Louie CK?