Highest Rated Comments

ZER0MUS13 karma

Why do you think the story of Celine and Jesse resonates so strongly with so many people? The "Before" movies all take an incredibly romantic concept but bring it down to Earth, so I'm curious to see why you think it works.

ZER0MUS11 karma

Has Jesse ever watched a movie starring Ethan Hawke? Would he have liked Hamlet (2000)?

ZER0MUS3 karma

Hi, Ira! Thank you for doing this AMA.

I have a couple of questions:

  1. Do you think it's problematic that the media (and many audiences, it seems) views LOVE IS STRANGE as a film about a gay couple rather than just... as a film about a couple? To what extent does the focus on homosexuality hurt or help the film's ability to make an impact, do you think?

  2. Do you have any upcoming projects you can talk about?

Thank you!

ZER0MUS1 karma

What is the worst thing that could feasibly happen to you on the job? Something you realistically face every time you go off of a waterfall--but maybe not anything as drastic or obvious as slamming your head on a rock?

ZER0MUS1 karma

Thank you so much.