Highest Rated Comments

ZacharyRD852 karma

What does your day-to-day lives / jobs look like? To what extent are you still involved in Ben & Jerry's, the ice cream brand? If "not at all" what do you do to fill you time on a regular basis right now?

From Wikipedia:

In April 2000, Ben & Jerry's sold the company to Anglo-Dutch multinational food giant Unilever. Unilever said it hopes to carry on the tradition of engaging "in these critical, global economic and social missions". Although the founders' names are still attached to the product, they do not hold any board or management position and are not involved in day-to-day management of the company.

ZacharyRD9 karma

Some of my absolute favorite Burning Man moments are when I stumble on a random artist who is mindbogglingly good, but has no indication of why they are, but I write down their name on a notecard and look them up later, and they're kind of a big deal. It's happened to me both of the two years I've been.

ZacharyRD6 karma

Either; preference to proof provided here, but if it involves medical documents etc that you don't want to allow to be public, you can send it to the moderators. This link: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/wiki/index#wiki_3._what_constitutes_.22proof.22.3F should provide you with help in that regard. I'm actually quite interested in the thread!

ZacharyRD4 karma

Can either of you compare the Gold Split Touch Keyboard to the Kinesis Freestyle http://www.amazon.com/Kinesis-Corporation-KB800PB-US-Freestyle2-Separation/dp/B0089ZSEMO which I have now? Thanks.

ZacharyRD4 karma

Different job, different type of work... Those articles are true, her story is true, and the work environment of a Amazon software engineer, making six-figures and writing code for a living is also true.