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Zamr2 karma

Didnt it take more than a mothers deranged accusations to put such a serious diagnosis as schizophrenia?

Zamr2 karma

Hi Raine.

I havent yet read your book but i have a big interest in psychopathology and neural science. Whereby i would like to ask you:

Usually (if i remember correctly) males are widely over represented in the field of violent behaviour, serial killings etc. Do you think this is due to social or biological factors (or a bit of both, in which case most of what?)? Is the testosterone pruning of our brain in fetal stage to blame?

Zamr1 karma

Im not sure if this has been asked, but do you belive paedophilia is caused by enviromental or genetic/innate factors (or perhaps both)? I know you might not be an expert these types of questions, i was just curious of your beliefs on the subject.