Highest Rated Comments

Zanza0046 karma

I knew about this and learn to recognize only the mandatory one... as you said it's the difficult one :(

Zanza0027 karma

Hi, Italian here.

To this day I have problems with Accident e Incident. No matter how much I pay attention, I always have 50/50 chance to use the wrong word, sometimes with a funny outcome, sometimes not so much.

Do you have some words that you have hard times to use correctly?

Zanza003 karma

I am sorry for you bad encounter (shit happens), but I am more sorry for your pictures. When you can make a cloud thing in wich you can put all you remaining photos.

Question from a cyclist to another, what advice can you give us to enjoy more the ride?

edit: if you ever come near Milano, Italy pm me :)

Zanza003 karma

One piece of advice for someone who to make a bike journey, not long as yours of course.
Which country you wanted to visit but you didn't have a chance to do because of the record?
also massive kudos for the entire adventure :)

Zanza002 karma

What do you think about the anime Initial D?

also thank you for the split screen mode in the firts Gran Turismo, thanks to that I was able to play with my cousin since we had 2 hours a day to playing videogames :)