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Zelamir6 karma

I just told my husband we should look in the Click-Clack, Moo book for the nursery. He popped up an eyebrow, went downstairs, and brought it back up! Ha!

Never trust the middle man.

Zelamir2 karma

Hi there and thanks a million for doing this AMA!!

Just to give you a quick demographic look at myself, I'm a 28 year old female homeowner and I moved here 8 years ago from Detroit Michigan.

My greatest concern with staying in New Orleans is the education of children should I decide to have any. I graduated High School from a magnet school in Detroit, but for the life of me I am having a very difficult time understanding the school system(s) in New Orleans Parish. Years ago Detroit's program seemed simple. You took a test and if you scored high enough you were given the choice of attending three alternative schools.

The differences in magnet, charter, and public schools are so vast that I don't even know where to begin in navigating them. Further more what I knew as a magnet or charter school back in the day doesn't seem to apply to what they have become now.

I have flitted around the social scene looking for others in my age group to discuss this with (504ward and a few entrepreneurial groups) but the opinions on these different types of schools and very polarized. I've encountered everything from mothers claiming racism and classicism when their child didn't get into a certain school, to people saying that they have no other option then to send their child to a private institution.

I suppose that my questions are...

What are my option as a future parent when it comes to the education of a child?

What are the differences in charter, public, and magnet schools in New Orleans?

Zelamir2 karma

I gathered that it wasn't an easy question!