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Zenphor33 karma

.. Can we ask you a question more than once? If so, I'mma try my luck!

Having very recently bitten the bullet and played the suicide ending for a Judy-romancing V, I found myself more moved/gutted than I thought I would be listening to Panam's holo message. We all know that what you see is what you get with Panam. More often than not, her kneejerk reaction seems to gravitate towards the more intense polarity of the emotional spectrum, in this case, frustration and anger that V didn't turn to the Aldecaldos for help.

I know that voicing a character comes from a script, seeking out their truth. But to bring out those intense emotions into your voice work, do you ever find yourself having to dip into your personal life experiences, or hypothetical scenarios, to elicit that vibe? Like thinking about what would happen if you lost a loved one, so you could get into that grieving headspace? Or is there a very clear divide between you as a voice actress and the character in every sense?

Zenphor33 karma

Awesome! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with us. Looking forward to hopefully seeing more of Panam in the future!

Zenphor32 karma

a m a z i n g

Zenphor32 karma

Hey Emily and Gabra! Preem work breathing life into our favorite spicy Nomad!

Question for Emily: If you could be Panam in the flesh for a day, what would you do in and around Night City? :)