Highest Rated Comments

Zerrok17 karma

Why are there mostly pointless musical episodes in every show I know from the US? I don't know who else I could ask.

Zerrok8 karma

I bet Charles smells like a corpse with a hint of oregano.

Zerrok7 karma

Haha thanks for the answer. Okay almost every show. And no I don't like it when they sing during the entire episode. As a stand alone I like musicals.

Zerrok2 karma

First of all a big thank you to reanimate the almost dead city building genre. The only game I got a small fix out of was Tropico (4/5). But that was not enough to fill the hole that SC2013 left in my builder soul. The hole was so big, that only the 10000st installation of SC4 could patch it. But then you guys came and made the best city builder in ages.

Will the traffic system continue to be the main source of challenge and difficulty or are there plans to add more things that can go wrong in a city?
I am asking because it's quite easy to get a steady moneyflow coming in and after that there is no stopping your expansion except when some streets clog up and have to be rebuilt with more strategy. Maybe catastrophies or a crimewave, something to make the game randomly harder. Totally optional though.