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ZigguratOfUr15 karma

Cool AMA. What do you think are some of the important engineering practices to successfully launch and maintain a social game? You mention that this was part of your job: Do you have a list of greatest hits in improving engineering practices?

ZigguratOfUr13 karma

How do you define neoliberal discourse? Does the extremely high level of support for sanders modify your thesis? Why would it be bad for public discourse to reinforce neoliberalism (I confess I am a big fan of the Economist).

ZigguratOfUr6 karma

A lot of this is very impressive, especially the attention to user experience metrics, and ESPECIALLY the ops diary/magic button (making a good magic button seems hard though; couldn't a fix eventually become a new way to corrupt a save?).

It also seems like bigger refactors or redesigns don't really fit into this cycle. Did Farmville get a substantial refactor to address its technical debt at any point, or was the plan basically for the initial architecture to survive the whole profitability cycle, then move to a new game?

ZigguratOfUr1 karma

Recently in computer vision DeepDream and 'Learning Styles' (the paper that made everything look like Starry Night) and in NLP word vectors and others have provided very interest examples of research piggy-backing on existing huge, expensively-trained neural nets. This seems like a great way for many researchers to go, since GPU clusters are expensive and training a painful and slow process.

What sort of tasks do you think can be done best with already-trained networks? What are the barriers towards busting open, say, lots of long-standing vision tasks like image segmentation and object detection by using representations from non-specific training?