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_Guinness73 karma

Ok so I work in an industry where clock accuracy is very, very, very important. So I have always been curious about this:

A link from a GPS receiver to the OPERA master clock was loose, which increased the delay through the fiber. The glitch's effect was to decrease the reported flight time of the neutrinos by 73 ns, making them seem faster than light.

73 nanoseconds is...well clocks are far far more accurate than 73 nanoseconds. Even from your GPS source to a number of servers in your infrastructure (or FPGA/etc etc). I'm curious specifically what your GPS timing setup is like? You should be single digit nanosecond quite easily. So I've always kind of been surprised about this error.

_Guinness32 karma

The Daily Show's viewership isn't the racist pile of dogshit that other portions of our country are. You're heavily named as a desired replacement among viewers.

If you come take over as host we promise not to throw you in jail! Plus I think it would be immensely helpful for middle eastern relations.

_Guinness25 karma

Did you snore before? Do you snore after? Do you sleep better now or do you still have apnea? What was it like having sleep apnea?

_Guinness14 karma

Do you remember anything from the coma at all? Or was it basically like going through time travel once you woke up?

_Guinness8 karma

See you can just tell yourself that you went on an epic drinking binge with friends. Because that is exactly what happens. One minute you're at the bar and the next you wake up thinking "wait I was just at the bar what the hell man!"