Highest Rated Comments

_Romulus_20 karma

Definitely! But after this long, it's more of a labor of love versus trying to make a living out of it. I always wanted Conquest! to have a GUI and now it does.

_Romulus_6 karma

Hello! There are so many but one of the ones I like the best is how when the game first launched, Internet access wasn't readily available. So certain players would drive miles into work to check on their characters after hours!

_Romulus_4 karma

Lots of patience. It helps if you find an idea you like and are happy to work on it, even if there is not a possibility to make it big. For me, I simply enjoyed working on Conquest! so I didn't mind the time invested. Success for me was just getting it done.

_Romulus_3 karma

Hi! My "elevator speech" is Conquest! combines strategy and RPG elements and delivers them all in real time. It is also free of ads and pay to play elements, so that's a plus too.

Beyond that, it has lots of depth and many paths you can take to victory.

My advice is, to enjoy working on it. The Indie game market right now is tough because the barriers to entry are very low. But if you enjoy doing it, you won't mind the time and possibly financial investments.

If you can find a team of like minded individuals, you can help each other through the rough spots. I would also work on community building as soon as you have a viable product.

Hope this helps!

_Romulus_2 karma

It was highly addictive at the time. IRC was a good medium (though text based) as it allowed players to form (and break) alliances easily, plot strategies, and connect as a community.