Highest Rated Comments

_TheDevilsAdvocate4 karma

I was thoroughly disappointed by Les Halles. My streak was grisly.

_TheDevilsAdvocate3 karma

Endswithman, I've been thinking a lot lately about how the big brewers are responding to the market. Especially in that what we call craft is nearly interchangeable with micro brewery (which is based on distribution). Do you consider goose island to be craft, even though they are owned by inbev? Is this necessarily a bad thing if we can get flavor and they get distribution? I personally feel there will eventually be a consolidation in the market place as that is the traditional market cycle.

_TheDevilsAdvocate2 karma

Part time is the biggest joke on employment numbers ever

_TheDevilsAdvocate2 karma

As a whiskey, beer, and ethnic food lover myself I'm glad tou brought your column to our attention. I now have it bookmarked.

I've read through everyone's comments and heard your recommendations. Just throwing a couple your way (feel free to ignore).

Have you tried McCarthys whiskey yet? I would fully sincerely and highly recommend it. Although nothing will beat their 2013 first batch (and they just got sold) all the vintages are fantastic.

Also, peekskills simple sour is one of my favorites right now.

Have you been to streecha? I just went last week and loved it.

_TheDevilsAdvocate2 karma

I don't know of any! Where do you live?

In the bottle your best bet might be petrus (a Belgian sour)