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_WhoisMrBilly_65 karma

I would be careful about this- as an employee, you are giving away pricing (cost) information which is defiantly proprietary.

“I think it’s $ or I’m estimating” even if it’s not correct could still run afoul of policies. Read- potential termination according to the handbook/employee contract (as I understand it).

Even if it is a good intention, this could land you in hot water (if done with any other category item, this would not be just against Costcos terms, but also against the vendor terms as well).

I do not speak on behalf of Costco Wholesale, but am providing a “be careful” as a friendly reminder employee-employee. Source: 8+ years in corporate buying/marketing and warehouse ops.

This also may break several policies regarding social media/competitive agreements per the employee handbook.

You may want to review these policies. You’ve blocked out a lot of info on your time card screenshot, but it still gives your hours and department. I would speculate that it’s possible to narrow down people by their schedule and location.

I’ve witnessed vendors getting severe consequences from screenshots showing arrival dates or product/sell through and stock levels/ pricing from the system.

Granted you haven’t provided a screenshot, but they have investigated people for providing this type of info in the past and are pretty savvy. I’ve had times I was requested to chase down a screenshot to determine a location/ do a fair amount of sleuthing myself in my buying days when these things happened in the past.

AMAs are super tempting to do when you work for a company as well regarded (and admittedly guarded) as this, but because of the potential issues, I wouldn’t personally risk it.

_WhoisMrBilly_54 karma

Wow- why aren’t military IDs accepted for bars in some states? You would figure they have picture ID, birthdate and full name just as any other ID. Is it because they don’t have some of the same security features?

_WhoisMrBilly_45 karma

Hey man, I’m Galway for 1 more day before heading back to US for Christmas, and then coming back in January. Where do you busk at? (In front of which shop?)

Also, is there like an established area for each buskar? Or do you all stay out of each others way? Is the amplification law / crowd law going to affect you? Also has the ongoing construction made it harder for you?

_WhoisMrBilly_8 karma

I know there is a difference, but all businesses (and individuals for that matter) generally try to minimize their tax burden in capitalism based economies.

_WhoisMrBilly_5 karma

I mean, I’d say I’m a nerd in other ways, but I’d say I have relevant experience to back this up, and a concern for a fellow employee.

I see these AMAs go up from time to time, and it’s usually a newer employee who doesn’t think about potential consequences. Perhaps I should have sent it as a PM, but figured it may be a fair alert to any other employee that is considering something like this.

I’ve been tempted myself to do an AMA from the buying perspective, but always decide against it.