Highest Rated Comments

_anonxmous214 karma

What is drug use like among VIP clients? Have you witnessed a lot of drug use since you’ve started? If a customer pays to get a VIP room, is he just free to do whatever the hell he wants in there? Like doing a bunch of cocaine off/with his stripper?

_anonxmous3 karma

If you've gone from opiates that killed about 20,000 people in 2012 in the U.S. alone to a natural plant that has yet to kill anyone in human history, then no offense but I'd say fuck you to the people who try to make you feel guilty. Infants in legalized states are getting this stuff prescribed for their epilepsy and other medical conditions, and it's working. Are they drug addicts? No, and nor are you for using something less harmful than Tylenol to ease your pain. Good for you on being clean, keep it up and enjoy your THC. You're far from cheating.

_anonxmous2 karma

Your* abysmal? You need to cover your grammar basics before attempting to criticize people's reading using complex words. That's backwards bro. Plus this guy's IQ is probably double both yours and mine.

_anonxmous1 karma

Where's the universal cancer cure being hidden?

_anonxmous1 karma

You probably wanna give that another read Steve.