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_mediajunkie11 karma

I want to live and work in Antartica, but I don't think I have any special skills to offer even though I have a Masters degree (liberal arts). I don't even mind being a cook or a janitor for that matter. What are the chances of me getting a job down there? What can improve my chances for getting a job down there?

Do you get Internet access down there, so that you can watch stuff like Netflix?

_mediajunkie4 karma

I'm not part of any countries that are part of the Antartica treaty. Trying to get Canadian citizenship, but is it out of the question then that I am allowed to apply for any job?

_mediajunkie3 karma

Why did you pick Paul Verhoeven or why did he pick you? Or did he contact you or you contact him? Basically how did you and Paul Verhoeven get together to make the movie? Would you have picked any other director? Who do you have planned for the cast? What is your ideal cast for Cath and Anna Wolf and other main characters? Will you be casting unknowns?

I have loved the Last Express and bought it when it came out on iOS. I wish you made something similar along those lines. I learnt all about European history because of that game.

_mediajunkie2 karma

Hi Denis, I just wanted to say that my retired parents love your show! My dad watches the reruns multiple times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening. And he laughs out so loud and heartily too! It is essentially the only thing that my dad watches on TV other than the news. He's got my mom suckered into it as well and I watch it with them whenever I can, I guess it's our only "family" activity that we do together!

There really is nothing like getting woken up by my dad laughing heartily at 9am in the morning after a long night shift! I'm glad that you're filming a new season! It'll keep my parents occupied for a long time!

I guess my question for you is whether any of the people you have tried to gag have realized that they were being gagged? What was their reaction? What was your/the actors' reaction? And also are the people who are gagged compensated or do they have to sign a waiver?

_mediajunkie1 karma

I was planning a trip to Turkey in October. Does what is happening have an effect on tourists? Do you think all this will die down by then or should I start looking for a different destination?