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achmedclaus223 karma

What is it with drunk fat chick's trying to fight a group of guys?

Edit: At concerts and festivals?

achmedclaus2 karma

Speaking of religious liberty on the campuses, I went to Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Do you feel it is ok for a preacher to stand in the busiest section of the quad and preach Catholicism for literally 5 hours a day every day? At IUP, there were many different religions, myself being a Christian I had heard it all before, but the Muslims and Jews and everyone in between had different religious beliefs.

I personally didn't think he was trying to convert anyone, just preach. I only thought of him as a massive annoyance anytime I had to pass through the quad to get to class.

What is your opinion on preaching a religion on the middle of a mutli-faith campus?

achmedclaus2 karma

Geno geno geno!!

achmedclaus1 karma

Why did you choose such an uncommon os such as Windows phone to be exclusive on? If you are looking to be successful you need sales numbers, or ads in your game with a premium version ad free.

achmedclaus1 karma

Did you read my post? Or just the first 2 sentences? I'm asking for his opinion on the topic because if you see say, a Jewish man preaching Judaism or a Muslim, I'm sure there would be some form of backlash against them, but everyone just seemed to ignore the Catholic man yelling about Jesus. Most people just walked by giving him the evil eye, or commenting on how annoying it was that he was there 5 days a week for at least 5 hours a day, some people called him an asshole.

I wasn't the only one who thought it was inappropriate for such a big university filled with diversity to have this guy yelling about his religion year round.