Highest Rated Comments

aconijus40 karma

When I read that it's a popularity contest I thought same as buttfartington. But, I see that Mars One is not a govt' organisation so I guess they can do whatever they want. Still, my oppinion is that popularity contests are good for promoting but there should be some trusty scientificaly literate people who can give final vote/decision which project should be realized.

Anyway, good luck with the project, this is so cool!

aconijus3 karma

Just 0.5%?! I thought it is much much more... Thank you for your answer!

aconijus3 karma

hi, tony! thanks for this ama!

i'm living in a third world country and i've been amazed by wingsuit basejumping since first time i've seen it on the internet. since here we don't have that how would it be possible for me to learn it and, who knows, maybe one day go professional? having a lot of money is not an option. any advice?

aconijus2 karma

Hi, Leroy!

On Earth we still have wars, hunger, poverty, lack of education etc etc... Do you think we are ready for colonizing other planets? Should not we use all resources available to make our planet better place than for exploring bunch of (super cool, if you ask me) things out there?

aconijus1 karma

I am 100% sure that he was joking... And it's a good one. :)