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adamsmith93367 karma

If I paid good money to snuggle with you and you farted I would be very upset.

adamsmith9377 karma

How ironic that you're doing this AMA. A few things.

Me and my friends are looking to do the exact same thing. We want to buy a bus, fix it up, modify it for housing conditions, and travel from Ontario, down to Chicago, over to Alberta, left to BC, down to Cali, through Arizona and Utah to Colorado, over through until Florida, up through New York, further up through Quebec and then back home for a total of around 10,000 miles and roughly 3 months. So my questions.

  • What's the MPG for a bus like?
  • How often are repairs needed?
  • Do you think 4 people could effectively live in a bus for 3 months?

We plan to just shower in natural lakes and maybe a quick normal shower whenever someone is nice enough. We want to bring kayaks, bikes, all that jazz. Do you have any tips or anything that we need to know about? I'd love to talk to you and get some ideas for what it's going to be like. I assume between the each of us it will probably be around $3000-4000 for the round trip.

adamsmith9367 karma

Well one time I watched this movie "21"...

adamsmith9336 karma

Hair colour? Height? List of fears?

adamsmith9321 karma

Glad to hear the bus won't be needed a checkup every 5000 miles or so :) How much did it cost to renovate your bus when you first got it? We've seen people who put down hardwood floors, and folding beds, but we're basically aiming for the bottom of the barrel, carpet & shit. We're college students so we thrive off shitty. And do you remember how much $ it was to fill the tank?

The privacy thing is definitely true, but we've all been great friends for 7 years now and we've never had problems. One of the guys is my current roommate anyways. The main focus will be sight seeing in forest and national lakes, etc, why we're bringing bikes and kayaks and what not. We've tried to estimate food, which we don't think will cost that much. Honestly, I plan to get the best experience I can out of this, if that means helping someone off cragslist for a meal, I'd be glad to do it for the adventure. We're all really friendly so meeting friends who can offer meals and showers I think is doable. I'm sure everyone will love to hear our story!

We plan to wing it too like you said and not really plan a bunch, just let what happens happen. Parking is a thing we do have to think about, and like you said RV sites is good. I guess finding a bush to park in will be pretty hard.. which is what I was planning on for now.

And thanks so much! If I have any questions in the future, I'll probably message you. It would be great to get some insight from a dude who went through the same thing we're going to go through!