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admiralallah_ackbar51 karma

Redditor for two months, all questions regarding the thunderbirds....


admiralallah_ackbar12 karma

Seriously man, you guys are great. Love the blue angels as well. I REALLY hate that they cut your funding because you bring so much joy to the communities you visit and it's really a moral booster to those still serving...

But as a public affairs officer, you should know better. Creating fake accounts to feed you softballs isn't going to win you any fans on Reddit. THE PRESIDENT did that and got called out on it in minutes, and this is about the most liberal website I've ever been a part of. Even without the alts you are going to get a lot of hate for even being a part of the military in the first place from neckbeards and 14 year old bad asses alike.

Just delete these bullshit accounts and let your ama stand on it's own. I really hope you guys get your funding back, saw the birds when I was a kid and loved it. Joined the military to be a pilot because of that, I just was too stupid and lazy to become an officer.

admiralallah_ackbar3 karma

What do you think of the exclusion of PAs from MSF? Is it possibly a consequence of the perceived turf war between NPs and PAs?

Edit: I ask because when looking at the MSF website, the explanation given for the exclusion of PAs doesn't really jive with the reality of how PAs are used.

admiralallah_ackbar3 karma

Depending on the state and the practice it's more or less equivalent to an NP. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question.