Highest Rated Comments

adventurousideas208 karma

If you were secret wars'd off to a battle planet where you had to fight off against large ambulatory sandwiches, what kind of sandwich would you most and least want to engage with in battle?

adventurousideas202 karma

I was taking my pants off to get into bed, and my right ankle stopped being an ankle.

I wound up on the floor.

Now it hurts, but there is no swelling and I can put weight on it without increasing the amount of pain i'm in.

My question is, what's a good file management app for use with a second gen nexus 7?

adventurousideas6 karma

If you were to take a trip to the moon, what item would you pack. Following that, would you consider that item essential or luxury?

adventurousideas2 karma

Interesting, I'll add it to the catalog.

adventurousideas2 karma

Can you fold a dollar bill into a bow tie?