Highest Rated Comments

aesopwat13 karma

How can we connect issues of campaign finance and voter equality with the day-to-day practical & emotional realities of regular Americans?

aesopwat10 karma

  • Would you consider compiling similar questions and then answering the most prevalent among those questions on camera and throwing it up on youtube? I think the more media you put out the better.

aesopwat4 karma

  • Would you support a lifetime ban on lobbying for retired Congress members?

aesopwat4 karma

  • What do you think about compulsory voting such as they have in Australia? How can we increase voter turnout?
  • Do you support restoring voting rights to felons?
  • Would you support automatic voter registration of every citizen who is of voting age?
  • Do you support providing full voting rights to D.C. and the US territories?
  • Do you see a need for the government to own and manage the voting machines used in elections?
  • What is your opinion on the electoral college?

aesopwat4 karma

You have spoken about social norms as a way to 'fill in the gaps' when incentives alone are not enough to produce a specific public good. Are there any normative reforms that could help reign in congress and compliment the legislative reforms you are proposing? What sort of culture could we create in congress to make them more responsive to the public good?