Highest Rated Comments

aethericwave2 karma

Hi Anthony, thanks for donig this!

Regarding China, what are you thoughts on initiatives taken by the PRC to (supposedly) increase their "soft power" in the world? I'm thinking specifically about investments in infratstructure/education/cultural exchange in Africa, development projects in Burma and special attention which is paid to Central Asian nations that border places like SAR Xinjiang.


aethericwave2 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA!

How have the reactions to catastrophes expressed on Chinese social media sites (Weibo etc.) changed or adapted over the years, if at all?

It seems to vary based on context, proximity to China (not just physically but emotionally and socially as well). I'm thinking about Flight MH370 but also the ferry sinking in South Korea, the earthquake in Sichuan, the recent stabbing in Chengdu, the terrible 2011 earthquake/tusnami in Japan.

Reactions seem to oscillate between the compassionate and the hateful or vengeful.

Any thoughts or anecdotes would be very welcome.