Highest Rated Comments

ajg16 karma

I was hoping for a more specific answer, but perhaps I need a more specific question. So... What was the one thing you least wanted to do which you had never experienced prior to being taped? Is there anything you did in particular that you regret?

ajg12 karma

I'm sorry this happened to you and I can't imagine the fear you must have experienced. I know you said you live in Florida and carry a gun with you now, but I'm curious if you have ever thought about moving to a country where there are more restrictive gun laws? Did you feel differently about gun laws before being shot? Would you be able to do it or will you always be paranoid something like this will happen again, regardless of where you live?

ajg12 karma

I'm sure you've gotten a lot of crap from people accusing you of keeping scum on the street. I feel I should say thank you for any innocent people you helped keep out of prison.

ajg11 karma

What were you willing to try out on camera that you really did not want to do at first?

ajg11 karma

Best excuse from anyone you knew was guilty?