Highest Rated Comments

akatheblondeone12 karma

Would you ever consider writing a book about your life? It sounds like your life has been an amazing adventure!

akatheblondeone1 karma

Who are some of your favorite fantasy authors from the present time and those who are considered to have written the classics?

akatheblondeone1 karma

Who are some of your favorite fantasy authors from the present time and some that have written the classics?

akatheblondeone1 karma

Is there a certain country whose audiences have seemed to appreciate your music more than others?

akatheblondeone1 karma

I grew up watching you also during junior high (or was it high school) and really looked forward to those broadcasts.

Now for the questions ... What do you think of people like Jon Stewart? I watch his show religiously and he often puts forth more insightful commentary than the news networks' opinion go-to men and women.

When I was in journalism school, we were taught news writing and that was our focus. Now, there almost seems to be a decrease in actual news-gathering and reporting and more of a drive for conjecture and gathering as many different opinions as possible. Whatever happened to giving the public the facts and letting individuals make up their own minds?