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alex5h24 karma

With regards to your sister molesting you in the past, do you ever feel tempted to confront her over that? After reading your previous post it appeared to me as though she were being slightly hypocritical?

alex5h13 karma

Do you ever consider helping other paedophiles that have been convicted, shed some light on what you'd been through and ways in which to help themselves? I only say this because you've managed to make a lot of really good points which could also benefit others.

alex5h4 karma

I was thinking in terms of therapy, giving some sort of insight and guidance to those of a similar age to you, when you committed the offence. What was therapy for you like and would you say it helped? Or do you feel like you manage to control it better independently?

alex5h3 karma

Are there any laws you'd ideally like to change, specifically towards sexual abuse and paedophiles?

alex5h2 karma

Sorry for all the questions by the way. Would you neccessarily regard paedophilia as a form of sex addiction?