Highest Rated Comments

alexanderknox2 karma

Yes you can order CBD products online from many distributors in Colorado. Friend's grandpa recently passed away due to CBD (Corticobasal Degeneration) and they were buying some 30mg CBD sublingual tinctures for him - he noted massive relief and it was the only medicine he ever willingly took.

alexanderknox2 karma

CBD (cannibidiol), as the user above stated. But it's an individual cannibinoid. There are as many as 111 currently recognized, but you probably have heard of THC (tetrahydrocannibinol) which is responsible for the euphoric effect felt when intaking marijuana. Some other commonly occurring cannibinoids are THCA, CBG, CBN.

alexanderknox1 karma

Thank you VERY much for your research, work, and efforts.. So many of us need you and thank you.

My story is tough to tell I'll try to be as short as possible, I'm sorry for the length.

I have a medical... "issue" we'll say. I have been all over the western states visiting hospitals and clinics. UCLA, USC Keck, multiple Mayo Clinics, and nearly every central California guy available. I was diagnosed with a neurocardiogenic syncope three years ago at age 19. But I do not believe that's the totality of my issues, as my symptoms are sometimes different than commonly known NCS symptoms and nobody knew mmj helped NCS sufferers.

-Cardio from UCLA and USC Keck, local people as well. (NCS was FINALLY diagnosed by a local guy using a tilt table test after 7 years of passing out and 2 years of constant hospital visits) -Neuro and some endocrinology from Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale and Phoenix.

I passed out for the first time 6 years before diagnosis, at age 12. I passed out 2-4 sometimes more times per day. But come senior year of high school, I wasn't having nearly as many issues.

I didn't start frequently smoking marijuana until my senior year, but didn't notice the correlation between my improved health and my increased marijuana usage. I moved away to college thinking I had mostly outgrown my passing out issue (still undiagnosed at the time) as my family practitioner hypothesized I would, though my parents were very tentative because of my health issues.

Once at school in AZ I needed to a job for basic college expenditures - I had to stop smoking. I began passing out about a week after my last cannabis consumption, this time having symptoms never previously experienced.. i.e. random extremities going numb, hot one minute cold the next, blurry vision, light sensitive migraines from HELL.. But I made the connection. I smoked that night, called my parents, told em, and moved home. Then came all the doctors visits like a 10 day stay at UCLA for an observed EEG, EKG, USC appointments, etc, revealed nothing. All of my doctor visits, all the prescriptions, none of it helped. I was still passing out and experiencing weird symptoms. I eventually became so fed up with the inexplicability that I committed to smoking marijuana and have since had about 5% of the issues, I'd guess. I quit going to doctors, quit taking medications (of ANY kind), and have been living an awesome life since.

My only questions to you are why does marijuana help me so much? I've met no doctor that can explain ANYTHING regarding my medical marijuana use to me. Do you have any advice/recommendations, or any questions for me since I seem kind of question mark-ish to hospitals and clinics?

If you read all this thank you so so so much.. Blessings.

alexanderknox1 karma
