Highest Rated Comments

alexja2194 karma

Fuck that. What Sully did was pretty impressive, but it wasn't a goddamn miracle like what Al Haynes did with his DC-10. That man is and always will be a legend.


Edit: /u/sneakatdatavibe beat me to it!

alexja2156 karma

What kind of involvement did the FAA have in re-certifying the 727 for flight? Was it pretty much a pencil-whipped deal knowing that its only flight would be ending in a fireball? Or did they go the whole nine yards inspecting the landing gear, anti ice systems, navigation systems, and all that stuff?

alexja2145 karma

I will always upvote any and every Ted quote.

alexja2126 karma

I've always wondered, how on earth do you determine if a fire is accidental or arson? Are people just stupid enough to leave gas cans and lighters laying around at the origin of the fire, or do they get ratted out by other people, or what?

alexja217 karma

Holy cow! I think even ferry permits are easier to get than what it sounds like you guys went through on that bird.