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alexyeahdude12 karma

PPP/PFI never ever ever fucking works. Look at the disaster that is Edinburgh's tram system if you want a direct comparison (two government bailouts so far, track length reduced to an unworkable degree and the end of construction is still not in sight).

edit: I missed the part where you said you were working with Richard Branson. This is what Richard Branson does with public services. If you love Miami you will avoid that motherfucker like he has leprosy.

alexyeahdude8 karma

I think you're misunderstanding the "self-determination" argument. The fact is that we have no democratic control over Westminster. Look at this map of the last election. What it shows is that the south-east dominates politics. In fact, the Tories could be run out of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and the North of England and still win a majority. You have to remember that we are decried by certain Tories and journalists as "the celtic fringe". What they mean by the celtic fringe is every part of Britain which is not England. To them, we're just idiots on the periphery of their great empire.

I'm not a nationalist by any means, but I'll be voting for independence on democratic grounds.

alexyeahdude8 karma

Does anyone know how he managed that? He hadn't even calculated the result of 318*75, he just knew it would work.

alexyeahdude2 karma

Criminology... biological/genetic processes.

I really have to ask about this because what you seem to be saying flies in the face of everything I have learned about criminology*. Isn't the biological/genetic/positivist approach to crime pretty well debunked by this point? Crime is a social phenomenon, right? Why wouldn't you study it sociologically? What is the new biological approach to criminology, and what evidence is there to support it?

* I have a degree in social policy, my dissertation was on anti-social behaviour.