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allittakes22242 karma

In addition, the feather part refers to the birds flying. A play on words that suggests selling quickly and moving them all over the country. Every guy with a mixtape is pablo escobar.

allittakes22213 karma

It's not so that you'll grow bigger bones. It's to minimize the shock to your system.

allittakes2224 karma

For good reason. Let's take two politicians.

One is regulating new bath duckies. For whatever reason those new duckies are being used as currency throughout the country. Someone has to regulate the new duckies. Would you prefer a politician who owns duckies? That politician will be creating laws that directly benefit or harm him. Or would you want a politician who has no stake in that system and can evaluate objectively? There's a reason all public servants must either sell or lock assets up in a trust before they take office.


allittakes2223 karma

Will casinos provide drugs and prostitutes to VIP clients? Do the casinos do this themselves? More likely, do they put them in touch with a third party who doesn't officially work for the casino? How much do these contractors make?

allittakes2223 karma

Your answer was unbiased and straightforward. It's too bad you're posting it on a website that favors Youtube conspiracy theories and Ron Paul's idiocy than logic. Bitcoin is supposed to be the crypto currency that's going to change the world and put more power in the little guy's hand. Then someone complains that a bank won't process the transaction. Not because of the threat but because they have to push paperwork to the ceiling for normal banking operations.