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allquixotic8 karma

You could also stick an iPhone 6 in a strong, rigid case that absorbs any twisting or bending motion applied to it instead of passing it into the phone it's protecting, which would greatly slow down the likelihood of the disease for any given age of the phone. Then make sure not to intentionally bend or twist your case, like by putting it in the butt pocket of your tight jeans. And by all means avoid the iPhone 6 Plus, since the Plus is even MORE susceptible to the problem (by a significant margin) than the regular 6. Or, you know, buy an iPhone 6S or 6S Plus.

Or get Jessa to install you a swanky upgraded EM shield :D

allquixotic4 karma

What hours do you usually keep at work? Or if it's inconsistent or goes through phases, describe the variation as best you can (assuming it's not pseudo-random).

allquixotic3 karma

Unfortunately, these Apple fanboys give Apple users a bad name. :( People who buy and use Apple products -- the vast majority of them -- are not fanatical priests to the altar of Jobs/Cook. They buy them for practical purpose, because they offer features and functionality they need at a price they can tolerate.

There are even some people, like me, who purchase high-end Apple products like the 128 GB iPhone 6S Plus and the top-end Macbook Pro 13", after careful consideration of all the competition, and despite having used competitors' products extensively for years.

But just because I may have chosen Apple products and can justify using facts and numbers why I think my choice was justified, doesn't mean that I will defend the company in the face of objective evidence of its wrongdoing. Nor will I squelch myself if I see something written about Apple that makes me angry at the company, or disappointed; I'll speak up and voice my displeasure.

You see, I'm just an Apple user. My loyalty is to myself and to fellow consumers. I want to see better, more empowering, more reliable products on the market. I want to see more market diversity, offering everyone a device they need, with the features they need, at a price they can afford. If getting these results at any particular time doesn't involve purchasing an Apple product, then -- hey -- don't purchase an Apple product! Simple. Buy the product that best fits your criteria and budget.

I'm not saying you're dissing all Apple users, but it certainly seems that a lot of people who have never purchased an Apple product before are quick to dismiss all Apple users as these Starbucks-drinking, Fedora-wearing screenplay-writing asshats. That's a small minority of Apple's customer base, in my experience.

The rest are pure pragmatists who've made an informed decision, or perhaps they were momentarily wooed by Apple's marketing, are now stuck with the device, and don't particularly care about its limitations or the fact that they overpaid for a device they aren't fully using. But they're not brand fanatics, in most cases.

allquixotic3 karma

This isn't a question, just a comment. I notice that most Youtubers tend to have a penchant for very short videos -- 10 minutes max. Look at Linustechtips, for example. Louis goes a little further; most of his "instructional" videos last between 15 and 30 minutes.

But I actually like your longer videos because they force me to suppress my ADHD and focus on one thing for a significant period of time. And your videos are so intensely interesting that I honestly don't switch tabs or put them into the background while watching. I feel like most of the Youtubers out there (those I watch regularly) seem to almost encourage my ADHD, whereas your videos help me overcome it. It's liberating.

allquixotic2 karma

Wow, congratulations on repairing that phone. That must have been really emotional for the survivors of the person who died. And yeah, when a plane crashes into the water, the forces involved are instantly lethal. At least they didn't suffer, and their relatives now have something of theirs to cherish.