Highest Rated Comments

allsmilesandsunshine5 karma

I had all these questions to ask you last night, but now that I've slept overnight and worked a full day, I forgot them all. So instead, I'll just let you know that I love you. Your words constantly help bring me back from the deeper, darker places in my mind. Thank you for that, Shane.

Also, I have a friend who is one of your biggest fans. She wrote a spoken word poem dedicated to a childhood friend of hers who died of cancer. It's a lot like your poem about Louis, and she even references The Crickets Have Arthritis. It's a really amazing thing to watch her perform. If you're interested (/if you even see this), I could ask her to type it up and send it to you, or I could send you the amateur recording we made of it. I think she'd just about have a heart attack if I told her Shane Koyczan wanted to hear her work. :)

allsmilesandsunshine2 karma

I just messaged her and linked her to this. :D She's gonna be so excited. Thank you again, Mr. Koyczan! You're a good man. Keep it up.