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alltimeblows47 karma

Mostly the solidified tears of overworked employees

alltimeblows22 karma

Holy shit that's crazy.

People are stupid and there are a lot of instances of dumbass guests jumping fences to try and retrieve their hats. When that happens we do stop the ride to get them out when we see them. Mostly the sane people will come and ask us to get their hats or whatever they lost, and there are certain hours where we go to get anything that fell off and tell them to come back then.

If something like that was to happen, and we couldn't start the ride back up after stopping it because someone got hurt, all employees are trained on how to go up the side ramp and evacuate all the guests stuck on the ride immediately. If they were past the point employees could get them, a supervisor would most likely continue the ride to a point at the end where they could go get them, and not allow anyone else to get on. They would never just be left there with no way out.

alltimeblows22 karma

They're really strict about safety there, but mistakes do happen. One year I remember there was a ride that was dispatched and after it was sent off a kid climbed over the gates onto the tracks. The kid was fine but there's been scares.

Another kid also cut their foot on the tracks because their foot got stuck under the train when they were getting off the ride, luckily a doctor was in line for the ride at he time so they were fine too.

As far as I know, there aren't any records of serious life threatening injuries that happened at the fault of the park or its employees. I'm a pretty nervous person so I was always scared that the one time a ride would fail, it would be when I was there, and something awful would happen.

The rides are designed to not dispatch unless all the safety mechanics are in place though, so even if an employee made a mistake the ride is designed not to fuck up, so it's unlikely for something terrible to happen that isn't basically a guests fault.

alltimeblows16 karma

Adam sandler and his kids. Too bad I hate him lol

alltimeblows11 karma

I've never really seen anything too crazy, however there is a "ride" where kids can jump on a trampoline attached to bungees to help them go higher. One time the bungee controller wasn't working and a kid was stuck hanging in the air until we could get someone to fix it.