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alucidexit76 karma

Hey Helen,

First off just wanted to say thank you so much for all you do. I just finished reading Men On Strike a week ago, actually!

I am a senior in college and am really looking forward to getting out, because I'm sick of the rhetoric I have to put up with. That being said, I'd like to do more things on campus to stand up for Men's Rights even though I know this may see me ostracized by some of my peers.

I was wondering what you think the best way of approaching this would be? I doubt my school would allow me to start a Mens group on campus, and I'm not sure exactly what's within my rights to act out, whether it be posting flyers, opening dialogues, etc.

Thanks again for all of your work. As someone who has watched pretty much all the older men in my family crumble in divorce court, this is an issue really close to my heart.

alucidexit63 karma

I didn't know what this was until I googled it. Holy fuck what the fuck

alucidexit45 karma

Although Hot Girls Wanted took the stance of "these poor girls," I thought what it showcased was the exact opposite. All of the girls it showed were 100% in control of their career and what they wanted to do with it. Sure, they cycled girls out, but that's the industry. The girls were never made to do anything they didn't want, and they could leave at any time. Fuck, even the dude running the house seemed nice as shit.

alucidexit9 karma

I've had a change in alertness/insomnia recently. To be more specific, I used to sleep very easily and heavy. I was able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat and could sleep through most noise. My difficulty was always waking.

Now, it's almost the opposite. I wake frequently and have difficulty falling back asleep. I had some awful nights where I'd lie in bed with my eyes closed all night and felt like I never fell asleep.

Did an at home sleep test that came back negative for apnea. I talked with a sleep doctor and they told me that these things can change as we age. For context, I am in my mid-30s.

I've been working on sleep hygiene and have been steadily getting better sleep but still have some bad nights.

My question is: can body clocks/sleep habits/alertness change so suddenly like this? It kind of freaks me out and I wish I could get my old superpower of easy deep sleep back.

alucidexit7 karma

Thanks for all your advice! I have a few more questions, though that you might be able to help me with.

Be realistic, is this a possible achievement within 6 months time? I'll be graduating in December.

My other problem is that most of my peers that I've talked to about such issues don't seem to want to talk about or they tell me what many of my teachers and advisors have responded with, that it's "not necessary at this time," and I'm confused how to gain support from there. I was thinking that if I set up a meet-up time for said group, post flyers about it, and see if I can gain some support that would otherwise (and still could be) in the closet.

I want to walk the tightrope, in a sense. I want to set this group up as a place for men to talk about male issues, and I want it to be very strongly advocated that this is not a place to bash or insult females or female issues (mainly, just so that we can get a dialogue open, which I believe is the first and most important thing). If some of their issues involve problems arising from feminism or feminists, they are more than welcome to talk about those problems, but I do not want it to become a female-hate group or anything like that. I know we will probably be viewed that way regardless, though.

Thanks for all your advice, again. I really appreciate it.