Highest Rated Comments

alyalyatwork744 karma

What should I never order from you?

alyalyatwork541 karma

If you spent thousands of dollars before you even got in the door at Disney, as a parent you're keeping that character going the entire. damn. time. you're there. And so is little Timmy and his big sister Sarah and if she doesn't she's gonna get her ass beat and this will be their last vacation ever.

alyalyatwork289 karma

To everyone saying he is lying, here is a copy of the R&R from the US Magistrate assigned to his case. This is a real document.

Link: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCOURTS-txnd-3_07-cr-00373/pdf/USCOURTS-txnd-3_07-cr-00373-0.pdf

Since I have to ask a question: OP, how does it feel to have people think you're lying about being a bank robber? Have you ever gotten this reaction before?

alyalyatwork103 karma

Where's a wild sketch appearing when I need one?