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ambrosius5c13 karma

I work with someone who never pays her medical bills and hasn’t for years. She claims she has a credit score in the high 700’s and that none of her medical collections show up on her credit reports. Is that possible?

I want to chime in with something that may be relevant. My girlfriend and I have had to go through government background checks, and they're very thorough, including with credit and debt. They routinely find debts people didn't even know they owned. My girlfriend had a dispute with car insurance billing after she canceled coverage, and the same with Verizon charging her for month after we both switched to T-mobile. The government found both. However, they did not know that she has about 30k in medical debt from a wreck caused by another driver, until she told them about it. She had to ask the collection agency how much it was, because she didn't have an exact figure as she's suing the other insurance agency because it was their driver's fault and they refused to cover it out of court. The collection agent said "How did they even find out about it? Our policy is not to report it."

Point being: depending on the medical provider, they will strictly maintain your privacy and no one will know about your debt besides them and you.

ambrosius5c2 karma

What are your interactions like with locals? Do you face any kind of discrimination?

ambrosius5c1 karma

Has the recent media focus on police affected the perception the students have of you? If so, how has it affected the way you do your job?