Highest Rated Comments

amedeus167 karma

Please do a Kickstarter. Actually, better yet, ask the Fifty Shades people. They'd probably be down to fund it for some of the profits.

amedeus105 karma

I prefer Chow Yun Fat, but my doctor says it's bad for my heart.

amedeus99 karma

Hi, I don't have any questions really. I just wanted to thank you, and try not to sound like a huge kiss-ass in the process. I play a ton of adventure games, but The Longest Journey is by far the best-written I've ever come across. In fact, I and my friends who have played it all agree that April is easily the most well-written and well-voiced female character of any game we've ever played. She's a little bit terrifying-looking in the cutscenes. But other than that, brilliant.

You guys really managed to create a unique and interesting world(s), populated by fascinating characters, and it doesn't just rehash the same creatures and races from every fantasy story ever. I know that's no easy task, and I'm thoroughly impressed.

Is my nose brown enough, yet? I guess it's time to wrap this up. So, thank you: for Arcadia, for Stark, for the characters within, for the wonderful story, and, most of all, for the journey. For once, it truly wasn't about the destination, and for that, you'll always hold a place inside my wallet.

P.S. I have to give a separate extra-special thank you for Burns Flipper: Thank you.

amedeus47 karma

My body is ready.

amedeus21 karma

So exactly how many times HAVE you guys been sued? Counting times Sierra's been sued over your games. And was there ever something you ultimately got sued over that was just so worth it?