Highest Rated Comments

amf133193 karma

I might be skeptical, but I think this a PR rep answering and not really Morgan Freeman. The answers are all bland and one lined. I dont get the Morgan Freeman vibe.
Can we get this verified and see proof?

Edit: This is the proof provided 5 minutes ago... Thanks again, Reddit, I had a good time. Here's a picture (of me after a long day) as proof: http://i.imgur.com/BvitNsz.jpg

Is it just me or does that piece of paper look photoshopped?
Why is this person digging a deeper hole?

When a place like Reddit gives him so much love everyday, I kind of feel like it's a slap in the face. Least he can do is answer fans questions and converse.

amf13308 karma

"I don't remember asking you a god damn thing! ....Jeeves"

amf13284 karma

Dude... She offered you her email,.. you're in.

Send her the "links"