Highest Rated Comments

amrfallen218 karma

Liking hockey... I like you more now.

amrfallen19 karma

Which writers/editors are the easiest to get along with, and why? The hardest, and why?

amrfallen8 karma

I think you mostly answered my question here. That's really interesting, and I can't imagine what the other people there for the book signing thought!

amrfallen3 karma

Thanks for the reply! I may come off sounding like a lunatic here, but it is easy to get the feeling from Cracked's videos/podcasts that it's generally a great group of people. And, it is good to know that about David. I figured, because of JDaTE and how deep down the rabbit hole he goes in his writing and speaking. Anyway, I'm out of breath. Thanks again for the reply!

amrfallen1 karma

Hi Meytal, I've been a big fan of yours for a long time, thanks for stopping by!

What inspires you to keep going, with both your own music (and writing it!) & covers? You were my biggest inspiration to pick up drums because I saw you playing and thought "Wow, that part is actually possible to play!" I've had to sell them but am still very active with my guitar, this is something I struggle with and you're always so positive and doing something with music.