Highest Rated Comments

amxn5 karma

Hey, I loved the '08/09 "Hero" leak, and I was overjoyed when I first heard Project Awakened a couple of years back. But one of the few things that bugged me where that the protagonist models aren't as polished as in other games or even as good as Hero. Are the models currently used Pre-alpha placeholders or can we expect similar art-style in the retail version as well?

Also, all the best with the kickstarter!

amxn4 karma

@jjrocks: Most of the devs on Phosphor games were a part of an internal team tasked with building an Open-world superpower based story, similar to Prototype.

But that game was cancelled in 2008 and the video leaked sometime in '09. By then these ex-Midwayers had formed Phosphor games and planned on redoing a similar project and it's result is Project Awakened, its been in the works from 2010 I guess.

amxn2 karma

Thanks for doing this, Chris.

  • Are there any plans to add Multiplayer to "WildMan"?
  • If so, how would it be designed - like Dota or, co-op ish like Torchlight 2.

amxn2 karma

Thanks, makes sense :)

Also, all the best with your kickstarter. Btw, is there any mail address that I can get in touch with. (I've coordinated a few 11th hour funding successes :D)

Btw, keep your hopes up - Unwritten is getting funded! :D