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anarchyhasnogods17 karma

alright I have a question, why do you think allowing market solutions to basic logistics problems that UBI is supposed to cover will fundamentally help things? It is markets that have brought us to this point, do you really think markets can bring us out? Why not just directly give people the housing and food and such they need? Does every aspect of our existence really have to be for sale?

anarchyhasnogods4 karma

Sorry let me rephrase my question. Yangs position is control over your life through control over your consumption, my question is, why not focus on control over your production. Control over the companies you work for, for example.

anarchyhasnogods3 karma

Alright I have another question. Why focus so hard on money and only money, you seem to really ignore one of the main organizing forces in this society: capital. Whoever controls how things are produced and what is produced really controls society. Demand is largely fabricated by advertisement and such and really isn't much of a real organizing force compared to production. Bernie focused heavily on things like giving workers control over the companies they worked for, while to my knowledge yang has said nothing impressive on that scale. He is a capitalist himself, so could it simply be his own self-interest getting in the way?

to sum it up. We always need to eat, so we must eat out of what options are provided for us. Those who control those options control society, agency alone is not freedom.

anarchyhasnogods2 karma

Economic freedom is not just choosing where you spend your money, its also control over what gets produced. He does not give economic freedom, he gives but a smell of it.

anarchyhasnogods-2 karma

But why not focus on capital? You dodged the question. I mentioned bernies policies and how they differed, not his image. I do not care about personalities, electoralists are too fond of confusing those with policies