Highest Rated Comments

andreib1417 karma

20 yo student here, was this your life dream or just something you decided to do? and have you ever had any toughs about what you would have done if not this?

andreib1413 karma

He's trying to give the reddit detectives a challenge.

andreib147 karma

I have a theory where a cause of all the stuff happening atm with Islam is due to the lack of a central authority when it comes to the various sects allowing every local preacher to basically do his own thing.

Since the Ahmadi muslims actually have a central authority as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) do you find that your sect is more united in their goal and less likely to fall under the influence of extremist imams? If true do you think there would be any possibility for the various sects to come together and form their own central authority so that the extremists are isolated from the general muslim population?

andreib143 karma

22 year old virgin here, if you want to talk I think I have a good idea what you are going trough.

andreib141 karma

Best advice in case you get in a street fight?